Sunday, August 15, 2010


my favourite memory from Syria . . .

walking through the market to find the chickpea stall, a tiled small room with a large table piled high with a pyramid of chickpeas drying under the breeze of a large oscillating fan. A small handful of change bought me a cone of warm pulses, mixed with with thick olive oil, salt and zaatar which i ate while walking back home.

"Mixed with rice and vermicelli or bulghar or in a stew destined for couscous, they provide excitement in texture and flavour."
- Claudia Roden

mmmm, excitement indeed!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Someone once said to me . . .

. . . , 'I like your interiors because they feel like someone just entered, or just left,'" he recalls.
"I like that, that trace of humanity."

- Michael Eastman, photographer

Friday, August 6, 2010

My thoughts exactly

Je vous ferai un pain comme vous n'en avez jamais vu, et dans ce pain, il y aura de l'amour et aussi beacoup d'amitié.

- Marcel Pagnol